Smart-Home Security and Privacy Workshop Materials

If you’re here because of our publication in SIGCSE 2024, Smart Use of Smart Devices in Your Home: A Smart-Home Security and Privacy Workshop for the General Public, thank you for your interest in our workshop materials! If you haven’t seen the publication, we encourage you to read it! A pre-print copy can be found here. The paper discusses our implementation of this workshop and highlights some of our findings on the efficacy of our educational offering. Below, you will find .pdf versions of templates of the materials we prepared for this workshop. And here is a zip file if you’d like to download all of the documents and their .docx versions all at once!

  1. When participants arrived, we welcomed them and provided them with the consent form and initial survey (S1).

2. This is a .pdf version of the slides presented. The zip file has both the .pdf and .pptx version of the slides; the .pptx version has slide animations along with speaker notes.

3/4. These handouts were provided to workshop attendees during the demo portion of the workshop. The first handout is a print out of the slides, so that groups had the ability to move at their own pace. The second handout had information for attendees to log onto the iPads we provided.

5. At the end of the presentation, we asked participants to take another survey (S2).

6. As participants were on their way out, we gave them a take-home pamphlet. Note: the pamphlet is formatted for double-sided printing.

7. Participants who provided us with their email address in S2 received the email below, containing a link to S3.

A screenshot of S3:

If you’re considering running a workshop with these materials, let us know! We’d love to hear about your plans, any changes you’d suggest to the materials, and any reflections you might have after running your own version of this workshop!

Jois, Tushar M., Tina Pavlovich, Brigid M. McCarron, David Kotz, and Timothy J. Pierson. “Smart Use of Smart Devices in Your Home: A Smart-Home Security and Privacy Workshop for the General Public.” In SIGCSE 2024. Portland, Oregon: ACM, 2023.